I know you don’t think you have space in your heart Mama. I know you wonder how you’re going to manage it all. But, Mama, I’m here to tell you you will manage and you do have space. You will be alright. I know this because I was once there too. As I sit here and …
What Every SAHM Needs to Know
I quit my job. My real job. You know the one where you go everyday or multiple times a week and do work and then get paid? Yeah, that one. It’s been almost 2 years since I did that but there are still some days that it feels like it was yesterday. When I first …
What You Need to Know Before Joining an MLM
I was a part of an MLM for close to 2 years. It was a big learning curve but I did it as a way to help supplement our family household income when I quit my job to say at home with our kids. In case you’re wondering, I quit that MLM for several different reasons. If you’re thinking of joining your own MLM, here’s a list of 5 things you NEED to know before you click “join”.
Mama, Don’t Judge Me
If I showed you something would you judge me? I mean really, from one Mama to another, could you honestly say you wouldn’t have a little judgement of my ability to care for and keep up with my household if you looked at this photo? This was my day in a nutshell. I’ve had a …
Dear Husband,
We’ve been married almost 15 years and I remember the day we met like it was yesterday. Never could I have imagined the life that we have together. There’s so much between us. And, there’s so much more to come. We are in the stage of life where friends are separating — marriages are ending. …