Nothing drives me more bonkers about this time of year than being bombarded by messages about “weight loss”. Isn’t it everywhere you turn? I have posts from people all over my social media telling me how 2019 is going to be their year because they are committing to this or that and they are going to loose ___ pounds by February or March. New Years Resolutions surrounding weight loss are crazy right now.
And, I get it. I do. But what if we went into 2019 with realistic goals.What if instead of saying we want to loose X number of pounds — what if we went in saying we want to be healthier. What if we instead focused on how we want to FEEL instead of how we want to LOOK.
Listen, I started this whole heath journey because I wasn’t healthy. AT. ALL. I didn’t have a number of pounds I wanted to loose. What I wanted was to FEEL better about myself. What I wanted was to be HAPPIER. What I wanted was to be HEALTHIER. What I wanted was to show my kids the best version of THIS Momma.
What I can tell you about the best version of me is that she is quite content with how I look. I don’t need a 6 pack or be a size 4. I am the best version of myself not because I lost weight but because I decided to CHOOSE healthy and yes, I did loose weight but that number on the scale doesn’t define me. I don’t diet. I don’t measure or weigh my foods. I fill my body with the foods that I know work best for MY body. And when I do make choices that aren’t so healthy I don’t feel guilty about those choices. Sitting down and eating 3 cookies with my daughter that she made is not something to feel anything but LOVE for.
Listen Momma, don’t get caught up in all those posts about how you should look a certain way in 2019. Don’t tell yourself that you need to loose X number of pounds or that if you did you’d be happier. I’m here to tell you girl, loosing that weight might make you temporarily happy but it won’t stick. You need to made sustainable changes.
Want to be healthier in 2019? Then maybe you commit to moving your body everyday for 20 minutes — whatever that looks like for you. Maybe you commit to spending time each day making cookies with your kids, reading books, playing a game or doing something else that makes you happy. Maybe you fill your plate with veggies instead of unhealthy things. Maybe you walk around the block twice a week. Do what works best for YOU and your LIFE — not someone else’s.
Girl, you are worth more than some number on the scale. Go into 2019 thinking about how you want to FEEL and write that down. Focus on the things that will help you get to that feeling each and every day. And, girl, please, please don’t feel bad about yourself.
You are loved.
You are worthy of whatever it is that you want. 💜